
Friday 28 November 2014

Remember Me

Remember me as the leaves frown to fall
Through hazy days and scary nights
I have not eternity to spend
Remember me as my song you sing
Remember me as my ink you read
Remember me as I depart to final goodbyes



Pouring lead into the pagan crowd
The once euphoric settlements refuse martyrdom
Paean became a mirage receding with brown boots
The lead-thrower evince the reason for unleashing hell

Eviscerate the head; the body becomes a facade of unity
Exile the unity, the chasm of insanity becomes wider
Little wonder the cancerous vile became non-euplastic
Nothing to do but watch akimbo the inevitable end

Thursday 6 November 2014


One day, the Sun said to me,
“Shield thyself brother. I am set to unleash my rays”
That day, I said to the Sun,
“Thy powers wane by the flow of the waters”
Under the shades of the ceiling I sought out comfort,
Refreshed by the soothing freedom of cold liquid!

One day, the Earth said to me,
“Protect your feet brother. The Sun is hurting me”
That day, I said to the Earth,
“Weak thou hath against the tantrums of the sky”
Laced on rubber against flesh,
I flew into the air to escape earth’s scorching!

Niger Area: a tale of two worlds

Between two worlds, we float and whine
deprived of simplicity, we groan
amid many, we freeze and moan
hardship forced down our throat like wine


Weaned from the cradle of determination
as birthed in the cries of the resolved
you perceive it in the bitter smell of captivity

felt in the words of comfort
smeared in by the loveliest of smiles

a dome full  with future

Sonnet 9

From the gentle breeze of the air
To the violent roar of the sea
From the lush greenness of the field
To the amazing ways of the animals

When the flow of the water astounds
And the meat of the wild terrifies
When the rising of the sun amazes
And the coming of the rainbow spell-bounds


Listen to my pleas,
Said a heart filled with anguish
Will you please tell me more?
I truly wish to know more!

Of the time of the ages,
When men were children to their sons
And everybody is mad with the Sun.
When the earth is full of mischief
And everybody claimed to be chief.

I direly long to know more –
Of the happenings of old!
My tender heart seeks knowledge
I am soaked with yearnings to the edge.

Of the existence of man-eaters
Who we have come to know as man-haters
They sat still in silence
Expecting men to clumber up with malice
They gave them seed of discord…
And waited fretfully for the tree of accord

Oh! What a world you once knew
When the dead came to be new
And the living going on a journey
As pilgrims on a pilgrimage with faces so grim
Only to return with sorrow filled to the brim.